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Pentair FP400C Economical Sewage Pump System, 5250 gph, 4/10 hp, 115 V, 18.5 A, Thermoplastic Pump
Our Price: $849.99

Product Code: 7072705

Description Extended Information
Pentair Sewage Pump System, Economical, 5250 gph, 4/10 hp Power, 115 V, 18.5 A, Thermoplastic Pump, Includes: Model FPSE3200A Pump, 30 gal Basin and Lid Assembly, 2 in Check Valve, Automatic Float Switch and an 8 ft  Power Cord, Standards: CSA and CUS Certified, Grommets Accept 4 in PVC Inlet, 2 in PVC Discharge and Vent, Handles up to 2 in Solids, 2 in Discharge Pipe Size, 2 in Maximum Solid Handling Size  and Maximum Pipe Size, Cord Length 8 ft  60 Hz Frequency